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Feisty Bees


Today the bees seemed more agitated than usual, and maybe this is seasonal. We quickly inspected a couple of the two body hives that remained, added a third top box and fed them. All of the bees in A and B now have 3 boxes. What frames go in the box on top of the remaining two box hives? Mostly drawn comb with a foundation or two. DON'T FORGET TO SPRAY THEM BEFORE YOU PUT THEM IN! This time of year, bees do not draw much comb. This may be based on the nutrition available to stimulate their wax producing glands.

We also inspected a sampling of three bodies to see how they were doing and if they needed food. We opted to not feed the three bodies this week. The consideration of whether to feed or not seems based on space in the hive. If it looks like feeding will take up all the remaining space in nectar and honey so there is little to no space for brood rearing, then don't feed a three box.

A decision was made to not treat for varroa mites.



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